To the nation of Botswana
Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Monday, March 2, 2015
I have been working behind the scenes, causing all things to line up with My will for this great nation, the nation of Botswana and now, the time has come, that I will no longer be working behind the scenes, but I will reveal Myself and cause My people to know and see the goodness of God, for I will demonstrate My power amongst you and many signs and wonders will manifest and people will be absolutely astounded at all that I will do. I am about to perform great things in your midst, and as you ask of Me, you shall see that I will give you the desire of your heart. Whatever you desire, will be My heart for you and I will give you as you ask of Me.

I will show myself as the only true God over this nation and countless people will stand amazed at all that I will do. I will heal hearts and deliver and set the captive free and cause My love to set a standard in the hearts and lives of those who follow Me.
I will deal with and remove the false, those who have promoted themselves and have drawn attention to their gifts and abilities, I will remove them, heal their hearts and restore them, and they too shall see and know the goodness of their God. I will no longer tolerate the wisdom of those who have placed themselves above My word, I will cause their pedestals to crumble and I will show those whom they have bewitched, who I truly am.
Your prophets have spoken lies and have deceived My people, but no longer, for I will show them who I am and My people shall know My voice and they will come running to Me and will no longer follow the voices of deception, but they will come and remain in My presence where I will shelter them and comfort their hearts and they shall heed the call of My voice and bow in My presence in reverent worship, and they will honour Me with their lips and their deeds shall bring glory to Me.
Your Government shall see the goodness of God and your leaders shall give honor to My name, for there are many things that I will do amongst you that will cause you to realize that I AM. I will cause many natural and yet hidden resources to come out from the dry and barren land and you will be amazed at the goodness that I will release amongst you. You shall worship in my presence and you shall set days apart to honor the Lord your God.
You My people, you shall declare with your own mouths that I AM the God of Botswana, and you shall sing songs of praise and I will make you a great nation and the continent will see the truth manifest in you, for I will cause you to be an example of holiness, an example of truth.
See, declares the Lord, the goodness of God will be revealed amongst you and the unprecedented rain shall be a sign of things that are to come, for I will open the heavens amongst you, even when you least expect it and it shall rain blessing upon blessing and you will heed My call and you will gather your young and old and you will give honor to me, declares the Lord.
Your Government shall see the goodness of God and your leaders shall give honor to My name, for there are many things that I will do amongst you that will cause you to realize that I AM. I will cause many natural and yet hidden resources to come out from the dry and barren land and you will be amazed at the goodness that I will release amongst you. You shall worship in my presence and you shall set days apart to honor the Lord your God.
You My people, you shall declare with your own mouths that I AM the God of Botswana, and you shall sing songs of praise and I will make you a great nation and the continent will see the truth manifest in you, for I will cause you to be an example of holiness, an example of truth.
See, declares the Lord, the goodness of God will be revealed amongst you and the unprecedented rain shall be a sign of things that are to come, for I will open the heavens amongst you, even when you least expect it and it shall rain blessing upon blessing and you will heed My call and you will gather your young and old and you will give honor to me, declares the Lord.