The fast approaching glory
Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Thursday, September 7, 2017
As I waited on the Lord in the early hours of the morning, He began to speak to me about Africa and in particular my beloved birth country South Africa. I have always prophesied about a move of God across the nations that will touch hearts in such a profound way and today, now more than ever, I continue to believe that a visitation of heaven is imminent.
Last night was no different, in fact, the word the Lord gave me was backed up with a simultaneous vision and it just touched my heart to see what I know is about to happen revealed in such a vivid manner.
The Lord began by saying, "I am causing my glory to manifest in the hearts and lives of countless peoples on the face of the earth, for mankind shall know My love and shall see and experience the goodness of God in this age as it is in heaven. There is a time coming and now is that My glory shall be revealed across the face of the earth and in such an undeniable way that many shall turn their hearts toward Me." Then the Lord pronounced, "My Spirit will impact South Africa in a powerful way".

At this moment, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and gave me a glimpse of a huge meteorite fireball which was about to hit the central part of the country (In and around the Free State province), one that would have such a profound and targeted strike on the nation that thousands of people will be influenced by this occurrence and give their lives to Christ. I saw the fireball erupt and burn throughout the nation causing lives to be turned towards heaven. The fire of God consuming the heart of man, changing lives, all the while causing a manifestation of glory on earth the likes of which has never been seen before.
To the Church, "Prepare yourselves, for I have heard your prayers and have seen the cry of your hearts. I have seen your gatherings and have heard the anguish and have seen the desperation, but now, know that I AM coming to your rescue, for as it is in heaven so shall it be in your midst and from this place, this nation, my glory shall burn throughout the African continent and the nations. So prepare your hearts, wait (stay where you are or delay action until a particular time, hold on) in My presence. Anticipate, look forward, long for, expect and be ready until this materialization of this word occurs. And as the disciples waited in the Upper Room, so do I desire that you would wait in your meeting places, for it is here where I shall reveal Myself and in an instance, glory shall come.
I will cause your leaders to know who I AM and they shall see the power of My Spirit at work in such an undeniable way that they too will fall in My presence and confess that I AM Lord of all. These are not words spoken by man, but words from My heart, words that will transform life as you know it.
I am raising the standard of heaven over the nation of South Africa and nations will come and see what I have done, for even your history books will be rewritten because of the manifestation of the glory, the transforming, the supernatural, eternal power of the living God. My influence remains everlasting and mankind will marvel at the rarity and wonder of this nonpareil and matchless demonstration of who I AM"...
Finally, I saw people gathering from every corner of the country, waiting in the presence of Jesus like we have never seen before and how the Spirit of unity gathered the nation, like one man, causing them to walk upright as an example of grace, placed on exhibition for the nations to see what God has done! Selah
The Lord began by saying, "I am causing my glory to manifest in the hearts and lives of countless peoples on the face of the earth, for mankind shall know My love and shall see and experience the goodness of God in this age as it is in heaven. There is a time coming and now is that My glory shall be revealed across the face of the earth and in such an undeniable way that many shall turn their hearts toward Me." Then the Lord pronounced, "My Spirit will impact South Africa in a powerful way".

At this moment, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and gave me a glimpse of a huge meteorite fireball which was about to hit the central part of the country (In and around the Free State province), one that would have such a profound and targeted strike on the nation that thousands of people will be influenced by this occurrence and give their lives to Christ. I saw the fireball erupt and burn throughout the nation causing lives to be turned towards heaven. The fire of God consuming the heart of man, changing lives, all the while causing a manifestation of glory on earth the likes of which has never been seen before.
To the Church, "Prepare yourselves, for I have heard your prayers and have seen the cry of your hearts. I have seen your gatherings and have heard the anguish and have seen the desperation, but now, know that I AM coming to your rescue, for as it is in heaven so shall it be in your midst and from this place, this nation, my glory shall burn throughout the African continent and the nations. So prepare your hearts, wait (stay where you are or delay action until a particular time, hold on) in My presence. Anticipate, look forward, long for, expect and be ready until this materialization of this word occurs. And as the disciples waited in the Upper Room, so do I desire that you would wait in your meeting places, for it is here where I shall reveal Myself and in an instance, glory shall come.
I will cause your leaders to know who I AM and they shall see the power of My Spirit at work in such an undeniable way that they too will fall in My presence and confess that I AM Lord of all. These are not words spoken by man, but words from My heart, words that will transform life as you know it.
I am raising the standard of heaven over the nation of South Africa and nations will come and see what I have done, for even your history books will be rewritten because of the manifestation of the glory, the transforming, the supernatural, eternal power of the living God. My influence remains everlasting and mankind will marvel at the rarity and wonder of this nonpareil and matchless demonstration of who I AM"...
Finally, I saw people gathering from every corner of the country, waiting in the presence of Jesus like we have never seen before and how the Spirit of unity gathered the nation, like one man, causing them to walk upright as an example of grace, placed on exhibition for the nations to see what God has done! Selah