Restoring His Church
Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Sunday, June 27, 2021
I saw in the spirit how fragmented the Body of Christ is and how man-made plans, opinions and even interpretation of scripture has had a devastating and crippling effect throughout the ages within the Church and I saw how divided we are as a people.
I saw how we, the Church, have divided ourselves into groups and the damage this undesirable separation has brought about over the ages. Yet, even as I saw the destructive results our disconnect, in the spirit I saw the hand of God breaking its momentum and bringing all things together and in line with His original master plan. I saw the winds of change bringing the Body of Christ together in preparation for the imminent return of the Bridegroom, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
I saw, from every tribe, tongue and nation, God whistling over His people (Zec 10:8 NKJV), calling the Ecclesia to worship in the Spirit of unity in the presence of the living God. "Rise up from your dwelling place, gather your possessions, come gather together in the presence of the Lord, for it is in My presence, the secret chamber of My heart that a great cloud of My glory shall encompass you and your hearts shall be united in Me".

I saw the Father usher, guide and bring a vast crowd together, a people filled with a desire and passion, a fragrant and acceptable offering, pleasing to the Lord, they are known as the Bride of Christ, the children of the living God.
I also noted in that day, the voice of the Lord shall thundered from within the cloud and the nations will shudder and bow their knees before the Lamb of God and in great fear they shall shout out, but their voices will not be heard, but the righteous shall be caught up in the heavenlies and His word shall be a comfort to their hearts.
See Ps 29:1-11
I saw how we, the Church, have divided ourselves into groups and the damage this undesirable separation has brought about over the ages. Yet, even as I saw the destructive results our disconnect, in the spirit I saw the hand of God breaking its momentum and bringing all things together and in line with His original master plan. I saw the winds of change bringing the Body of Christ together in preparation for the imminent return of the Bridegroom, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
I saw, from every tribe, tongue and nation, God whistling over His people (Zec 10:8 NKJV), calling the Ecclesia to worship in the Spirit of unity in the presence of the living God. "Rise up from your dwelling place, gather your possessions, come gather together in the presence of the Lord, for it is in My presence, the secret chamber of My heart that a great cloud of My glory shall encompass you and your hearts shall be united in Me".

I saw the Father usher, guide and bring a vast crowd together, a people filled with a desire and passion, a fragrant and acceptable offering, pleasing to the Lord, they are known as the Bride of Christ, the children of the living God.
I also noted in that day, the voice of the Lord shall thundered from within the cloud and the nations will shudder and bow their knees before the Lamb of God and in great fear they shall shout out, but their voices will not be heard, but the righteous shall be caught up in the heavenlies and His word shall be a comfort to their hearts.
See Ps 29:1-11