"My glory shall descend upon you My people like a mighty rushing wind and I shall fill your hearts with the goodness of My word and there shall be a fresh outpouring of My Spirit upon the land. The rain of heaven shall flood the hearts of those who have pursued me and I will do greater things than even you expected among you. Do not be afraid of the things that are taking place around you, but continue to call on My name, for I have indeed heard the cry of your hearts. Prepare the way of the Lord, for suddenly, I shall manifest Myself and you shall know that it is I who have called you by name and made you a great people. Stand still and wait on Me for I shall not linger, but come quickly. Even in this time, I will expose the hearts of those who have spoken against me and I will remove the hindrances that have come up against My people and make your paths straight and you shall worship Me in the city, in the streets, in your homes, you places of business and the world will stand amazed at what I have done and accomplished in you"...