Prepare yourselves for a move of God

Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Saturday, January 18, 2014
Here is the original copy of a prophetic word spoken, in particular to the nation of South Africa.

"And I will cause My fire to burn in the hearts of My people and this nation shall once again turn back to Me. I am raising sons from the north and the south, from the east and the west and they shall gather together and My glory shall be revealed through them. The supernatural power of My Spirit shall be evident in them and you shall be amazed at what I shall do and accomplish in this time. Rise up mighty men of valor, rise up you daughters of Zion, the holy ones, take your position, ready yourselves in preparation for soon My hand shall sweep across this nation and many shall come to the foot of the Cross and be saved. Salvation shall be on the lips of My people and they shall speak forth with great authority as the word of Truth is released throughout the earth. Take heed to follow My leading and I shall complete the good work I began in you". declares the Lord


07 Dwelling Places.mp3

10 The Mercy Seat.mp3

01 Track 1.mp3