I want you My people who are called by My name to bow your hearts and seek My face. For many have grown weary and have found the land has become barren. But, I say to you this day, if you will lift up My name, and worship Me, I shall come with great fire and set you, My people free. The hardships you have had to endure was brought about because of your stubbornness. But now, the time has come as you seek My face, and as you pursue My righteousness you would be found worshiping Me only. Those who chose to worship Me, will see My glory manifest in their midst, those who chose to call on My name, shall see the power of My word manifest in their midst and the glory that is mine, shall surround them.
This is the time for great joy, this is the time for great peace in your hearts, for My grace is indeed all you who seek Me need, and My love, which continues to surround you, will be demonstrated in your lives to the degree that those around you will declare "The Lord is True"...