New Years Prophetic Word+
Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Monday, December 28, 2015
The word of the Lord came to me and I believe that I must share it with those who wish to hear what the Spirit is saying at this time.
“It is my desire that you would continue to set your minds on the things that are above and not to be concerned about the future, for your future is secure in Me. Now more than ever, I want you to press in, to pursue My heart and to minister in My presence. Come worship the Lord of hosts, come gather in My presence with thanksgiving in your hearts and bless and honour the Lord, the King of glory.
As you come before Me, I will show Myself to you, I will demonstrate My power in your midst, for I am causing My word to manifest in the hearts of those who worship Me in spirit and in truth. I shall not share My glory with man, but I will reveal My glory to those who pursue Me, who seek Me and who wait on Me.
Forget the things that have already taken place, seek Me only, for those who fear Me and wait on Me, they shall taste and see the goodness of their God demonstrated in their midst. My healing power shall cause their hearts to know My love and to experience My word in them in ways they never thought was possible.
There are many things that will take place in the time that is to come. The world system is gathering momentum and many will be caught unaware by the changes that are taking place. In the US, the presidential race will change the political atmosphere, for I am doing a new thing. The outcome of the race will take many by surprise, but I am causing the landscape to change and in this process, My people will see My hand move for and on their behalf. You are encouraged, not to be moved by the words of men, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of your God.
Do not continue to place value in your financial security, for those who do will lose everything they have invested. This is a time to invest everything you have become in Christ, in the Kingdom of God, for this is where your security lies. I am your strength, and I am your promise, therefore, I call you to place your attention on My word and allow My Spirit to guide you along the path that I have set before you”.
The Lord continued to say, “There will be a number of tragic events that will take place and world leaders will be powerless to prevent these occurrences. Not only will there be a record number of natural disasters, but the oil prices will continue to be volatile and gold will be the currency that many will seek, for many have placed value in the US currency, but I am causing that which they have trusted to be shaken at this time. Therefore the moment has come for My people to stand up and to be counted in My presence”. Declares the Lord
Then in the spirit, I saw a great gathering of people, a people moving in one direction. In the same way the people of Israel moved out of Egypt, do I see this gathering moving. I saw many rugged mountains being crossed, and deep ravines being navigated. In front of these people, I saw a bright light, and when I enquired of the Lord, I heard Him say, this light was the Spirit of God leading His people in the presence of the Living God. At this time, I also saw a Flaming sword, dividing these who have gathered into two distinct groups, one group much was much larger than the other. When I asked the Lord why these people were being divided, He answered, “These two groups represent the religious, a people who have a form of godliness, yet deny the power of the Truth and the second group represents the remnant, a people after My own heart”.
The first group then chose to rebel as the Lord allowed a great spirit of deception to set itself in place and they began to argue amongst them and chose a leader for them that they may follow. This group then rose up and attempted to overpower the remnant, but the Sword of Fire, the Great Defender of the remnant, prevented them from doing so.
Then I heard a loud voice say COME, and the remnant once again moved forward following the leading of the Spirit of God. The first group, turned away to the left, choosing to follow the leading of flesh that they placed in authority over them. The remnant began to sing and with one voice shouted praise to Him who sits on the throne, exclaiming, there is no God like our God! The Fire of God, the glorious light of His presence illuminated the way before them. And even though the road ahead of them became harder, their worship increased as their eyes remained fixed on the King of glory, their eternal prize.
Once again, the Lord began to speak, “See I am doing a new thing in the hearts of My people, and these who I have chosen, those who I have called, they shall see my glory, for I reward those who diligently seek Me. I have removed their shame and caused their ridicule to be turned into glory. When men speak against you, there you will find that I am your defence. I am raising up a new generation, a people who rejoice even in the face of adversity, both young and old, they shall be called the redeemed of the Lord, these are those who have died to self, surrendered their hearts and choose to follow after Me. My word shall rejuvenate their hearts and the words they speak will honour me”. Then He instructed me to say, “Do not concern yourselves with those who speak a different message, for they do not speak from a heart of truth, but from their own deception. I do not want you, My people, to be concerned with the things these do, but only to make sure that you too do not fall prey to their evil desires”.
My friends, it remains my heart that you and I would continue to surrender daily in the presence of Jesus and to listen to the leading of the Blessed Holy Spirit. I declare to the remnant, the great and mighty day of the Lord is at hand, prepare yourselves for the King of glory will soon reveal His purpose in the hearts of those who worship Him in spirit and in truth. May 2016 continue to be a time of worship and that everything you do will be a reflection of the Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Grace, peace and much love to you all in Jesus wonderful name