I AM God
Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Saturday, April 16, 2016

To the Church in South Africa...
Do not be afraid of the rumors by day or the sounds by night, the voices of anarchy (a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority), for the enemy seeks to destroy and cause hatred to rise in the hearts of those who in the futility of their minds, their understanding darkened and alienated from God because of ignorance (Ep 4:17-19). But as for you, I will cause My glory to manifest in you and declare, no weapon formed against you shall prosper, for I have promised that out of this nation My glory shall arise and I will make the land an example to the nations, causing My word to complete its intended purpose in you.
Indeed, the enemy continues to try and derail My plan in you, but know that I have overcome all things and by My Spirit, you shall rise up in the fullness of time in the victory that I established before the foundation of the earth and you will be a victorious people.
Open your hearts now and bow in My presence, come before Me with thanksgiving in your hearts and seek Me only, for I am doing a New Thing in you, and all that I have spoken in the past shall now come to pass, quicker than even you had expected and you shall see the goodness of your God made known to you and manifest through you.
Stop living for yourselves, but reach out to one another, reach out to those around you and speak, declare and prophesy the word of Truth over every situation, over every need, over every person and as you bow your hearts in the humility of your Savior, My Son, Jesus Christ, you will see the rising sun, the dawning of a new day, with freedom and liberty, you will see My hand moving for and on your behalf.
Therefore, having this promise, pursue My heart, run after Me, let your zeal rise up within you and possess the land in the spirit, the land I have given you to possess. Make it your own by speaking life over it, and it shall come to pass that I will unite hearts and establish My peace in your midst.
Come now, do not run away from the sound of My voice, heed the call, respond to My voice and you shall see the Word of your God established in your midst.
Our united prayer..
"We possess, capture and arrest in the spirit the land that God has given to us, His people to possess, therefore, we speak, declare and prophesy, NO weapon formed against the people of God shall prosper. We bow our hearts before our God and surrender unconditionally to His plan and purpose in us, causing the world to know and see the glory of Him, our God who reigns supreme throughout and over all things"