His glory shall cover the earth
Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Many prophets, including myself have prophesied about the coming fires of revival, a revival that will start to burn in Cape Town and move throughout the African continent, right up to Egypt. As the current fires rage in the city, I cannot help but remind myself of these prophetic words and prophetic actions that have been uttered over the years about this coming revolutionary move of God, one that will change the spiritual climate in many of the nations that we see and know today.
God, without a shadow of doubt is preparing earth for a heavenly invasion and when I look at the pictures that are being posted on Facebook and with various news agencies, I am drawn to the conclusion that this time is closer than we think. When we see the things that are happening across the continent and in our own country South Africa, the negative, the ongoing bad news reports and we cannot help but declare we are desperately in need of a mighty move of God, a move like we have never seen before. I say, Jesus come in all your glory!
Here is one such picture that I found earlier today, one that I also posted on my ministry and personal Facebook pages, which I felt had a spiritual meaning and I felt led to encourage the Church as a whole to begin to prepare for a time such as this. In this picture, one can clearly see a head of a Lion and I believe this to represent our Lord Jesus Christ (The Lion of Judah), the Son of the Living God.
South Africa is on the brink of change and now more than ever, we need to bow our hearts, to surrender in the presence of our Saviour and seek the heart of God like we have never done before. This is a time for intercession, a time for praise, a time for worship, a time of surrender and if this nation will bow its heart before God, thousands upon thousands will come to know Jesus as Lord.

God, without a shadow of doubt is preparing earth for a heavenly invasion and when I look at the pictures that are being posted on Facebook and with various news agencies, I am drawn to the conclusion that this time is closer than we think. When we see the things that are happening across the continent and in our own country South Africa, the negative, the ongoing bad news reports and we cannot help but declare we are desperately in need of a mighty move of God, a move like we have never seen before. I say, Jesus come in all your glory!
Here is one such picture that I found earlier today, one that I also posted on my ministry and personal Facebook pages, which I felt had a spiritual meaning and I felt led to encourage the Church as a whole to begin to prepare for a time such as this. In this picture, one can clearly see a head of a Lion and I believe this to represent our Lord Jesus Christ (The Lion of Judah), the Son of the Living God.
South Africa is on the brink of change and now more than ever, we need to bow our hearts, to surrender in the presence of our Saviour and seek the heart of God like we have never done before. This is a time for intercession, a time for praise, a time for worship, a time of surrender and if this nation will bow its heart before God, thousands upon thousands will come to know Jesus as Lord.

Reinhart Bonke prophesied a word that God would cause a fire of revival from the Cape to Cairo and dare we ask, is this what was spoken by the prophet Joel? Is this the time for the great awakening? Oh, I know how many prayer groups around the country have been praying for such a time as this and I believe that if this is not the time, then it is most definitely encouraging to say the least.
Another picture that was taken at this same time, which I believe is equally significant is the one posted here below, which is self-explanatory. The enemy desires to destroy this awesome nation, and I feel that many are playing into his hands right now. We see the current state of our nation, the corruption and lawlessness that comes all the way through Government to ordinary citizens. Now more than ever, the passage of scripture we find in 2 Chron 7:13-15 is so relevant. God issues a promise and a warning "If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place".

Another picture that was taken at this same time, which I believe is equally significant is the one posted here below, which is self-explanatory. The enemy desires to destroy this awesome nation, and I feel that many are playing into his hands right now. We see the current state of our nation, the corruption and lawlessness that comes all the way through Government to ordinary citizens. Now more than ever, the passage of scripture we find in 2 Chron 7:13-15 is so relevant. God issues a promise and a warning "If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place".

In conclusion, my dear friends, let us seek the face of our God, let us bow our hearts in the presence of our Savior and pray for our nation as we trust the Lord to establish His Kingdom in South Africa and the continent as it is in heaven.