Do not be afraid

Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Wednesday, July 14, 2021
“Do not be afraid of the things you see taking place around you, for the enemy seeks to destroy and derail My purpose in you, but as you wait on the Lord, you will see My hand at work and I will cause My word to rise up in your hearts.

Do not be dismayed and concern yourselves with the turmoil that continues to take place around you. I have placed a hedge of protection around you and My Angels are guarding you My loved ones. Instead of concerning yourselves with the things you see and hear, lift your eyes up, for your hope is in Me.

The destruction you see is part of the enemies plans to create discord and mayhem, but I want you to call on My name, to stand firm on My word and intercede for the nation.

Seek my heart, worship the Lord your God. Now, even now, huddle together My little ones, wait (Entwine yourselves with the agenda of heaven) on Me, seek My face, listen to My voice and know the great I Am will rescue you, for you shall not be separated from My love and My word shall sustain you.

Be still and see the glory of God manifest in your midst. Remain in My presence” declares the Lord of hosts.

Ps 28:78 You are my strength and shield from every danger. When I fully trust in you, help is on the way. I jump for joy and burst forth with ecstatic, passionate praise! I will sing songs of what you mean to me! You will be the inner strength of all the people, the mighty protector of all,, the saving strength for all your anointed ones.


07 Dwelling Places.mp3

10 The Mercy Seat.mp3

01 Track 1.mp3