Browsing Archive: December, 2021

The day of the Lord is near

Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Wednesday, December 29, 2021,
While many are prophesying peace, blessings and prosperity for the New Year, Holy Spirit is saying, "Wail, `Woe to the day!` For the day is near, Even the day of the Lord is near; It will be the day of clouds, the time of the Gentiles." (See Ezek 30)

The time of a world-wide judgement of all heathen enemies of God is upon us and God shall cause nations to rise up against one another. There shall be great war and battles to possess foreign lands of kings. Nations shall rise up in threat of anot...

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Return to the Lord

Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Wednesday, December 29, 2021,
Jesus is giving the church at Sardis a warning to repent and to turn back to God. It sounds as if believers in the church had become spiritually complacent; they had become weak.  Yet now, with a sound of urgency in the heralds voice, I hear...

"Arise, Arise, dust yourselves off and turn to the Lord. Awake out of your slumber, for you have become a spiritually complacent church. 

Stand up, direct your attention to the voice I have sent out to alert you. Wake up out of your sleep, vigorously sha...

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07 Dwelling Places.mp3

10 The Mercy Seat.mp3

01 Track 1.mp3