Browsing Archive: September, 2013

A prophetic Word for a New Season - South Africa

Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Friday, September 13, 2013,

As the seasons change, and we are about to see our summer months, South African’s will experience one of the most intense summers seen for a long time. There will be extreme heat waves especially over the Gauteng province and northern regions. During such extreme heat, even tarred roads begin to melt. There will also be heat waves and extreme temperatures in different and specific parts of the country.

The Lord began to speak to me in the early hours of this morning, and one of the things H...

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Holy is the Lord

Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Sunday, September 8, 2013,
In the spirit, I saw Billions upon Billions of words carried as instrumental sounds emanating from deep within the Billions upon Billions of Angels carrying the sounds of their worship on their voices as they bow in the presence of Him, the One who sits on the throne, the only True Living God! The immeasurable greatness of God Himself causing the sounds that are found within Him to come forth as the sound of heaven...


This God-like heavenly worship, will soon manifest on this earth through th...

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I hear the sound of heaven

Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Thursday, September 5, 2013,
My people your ignorance is bordering on arrogance. You have become complacent and excepting, believing that which is taking place before you, the things you have become accustomed to bears the fruit of my lips. You consider your actions acceptable and even say that it is pleasing to me, yet, I will show you a different way.

You have built your towers and worked and labored hard at proving your abilities. You have worked hard at showing those around you that you have what it takes to succeed i...

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07 Dwelling Places.mp3

10 The Mercy Seat.mp3

01 Track 1.mp3