Browsing Archive: January, 2011

The compassion of Jesus

Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Thursday, January 27, 2011,
"I will touch your hearts because I love you. Stand still and allow My word to touch your heart for I have heard your cries for help. My heart is filled with compassion for My people and you are to rest in the knowledge that I AM will touch you and heal your heart this day. Do not be concerned about the things that take place around you, but wait on the Lord your God and see My compassion flow towards you this day".

We are encouraged to sit at His feet and to allow the fullness of God, in othe...

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In the midst of a battle

Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Tuesday, January 25, 2011,
Funny how we all, who know God, still quiver when we face trails and tribulations. I speak for myself, I do not enjoy going through hard times, there is no fun in it at all. Besides all the things that life throws at us, we tend to get caught up in the emotion of the moment and try to resolve or solve the problems on our own and sometime turning to the Lord at the last minute asking Him to help us.

Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking the Lord for help, in fact, we are encouraged ...

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Faithful heart of a worshiper

Posted by Mark Labuschagne on Saturday, January 22, 2011,
If there is a word which speaks volumes to me and has so much meaning, then in my opinion it has to be the word "Faithfulness". Faithfulness is derived from the word faith and its definition is to: Trust in something. When we first heard the Word, it became life to those who believed and as we accepted this truth, we choose to give our allegiance to Christ and as a result our faith was strengthened and our confidence in His word grew and His word was established in the hearts of those who bel...

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07 Dwelling Places.mp3

10 The Mercy Seat.mp3

01 Track 1.mp3